Want to be hungrier for lovemaking? If you embrace sexual nutrition by eating heart-healthy, romance-stimulating foods, the experts say you’ll be coming around for seconds, thirds or even more loving liaisons!
A poor-quality diet can contribute to lack of desire, reduce fertility and inhibit blood flow to your genitals. But a diet rich in romance-stimulating foods, accompanied by exercise and proper sleep, can increase the business in your bedroom.
Here are some
sexual nutrition
suggestions you can eat up to enhance your lovemaking.
· Eat sensibly by adhering to a heart-healthy diet. You’ll reap the benefits of better blood flow to your heart and genitals. The more those organs get used, the better they’ll perform.
· Protein is important for sperm production and fertility. Look for lean sources of protein and low-fat dairy options. Go beyond the meat counter, too, for foods like nuts, particularly pine nuts, which have the highest protein content.
· Foods that contain zinc are believed to stoke sexual desire. Good choices here include beans, beef and turkey.
· Broccoli’s another good sexual nutrition choice because of its high level of vitamins A, C and B5, as well as niacin, which allegedly enhances sexual sensation.
· Vitamin B5-rich potatoes can boost sex hormone production.
· You can reap the benefits of histamine - a foliate believed to contribute to a person’s ability to reach orgasm – by eating asparagus.
· Certain spices, like ginger and chilli pepper, are thought to improve circulation.
· Sensible, moderate intake of red wine and champagne can mean more than just setting the romantic mood. These beverages reputedly lower cholesterol, which will help keep blood pumping to your organs.
· Another food associated with romance is chocolate - again in moderation. Dark chocolate especially provides antioxidants, which are heart healthy.
Chocolate helps your brain release serotonin, a chemical that can calm you and get you in the mood. Because of its sugar content,
can also boost your energy by increasing glucose levels to give you a burst of sexual energy.
· Eat apricots to get a good dose of vitamin A and magnesium, which are thought to contribute to fertility.
Finally, if you want to tap into the folklore of sexy foods, head back to the veggie section for some artichokes and avocados, both known for making you hungry for sex.