Does A Sex Vitamin Exist? Understanding Vitamins Can Enhance Sexual Health
Don't you wish there was a magic sex vitamin that keeps you sexually healthy? There are many vitamin facts that all of us, as health-conscious individuals, should know. Most people are aware that vitamins are an essential group of nutrients that help our bodies grow and develop normally throughout our lives. However, some of us may not know exactly what vitamins can help us–let alone or whether there's a magic sex vitamin.
The information below lists important vitamin facts, including RDI (Reference Daily Intake) or experts’ recommendations when no RDI is available. (Remember, always check with your health care provider before starting any new vitamin regimen.)
Vitamin A
Vitamin A occurs naturally in milk, eggs, cheese, fish oil, and vegetables high in beta carotene. The RDI is 800mcg (micrograms) for women and 1,000mcg for men. This vitamin promotes good vision, facilitates maintaining the skin’s barrier and promotes healthy development of teeth, bones and mucus tissue. One vitamin fact to know is it may also inhibit the development of certain tumors and increase resistance to infection in children. Vitamin A is toxic in high doses and is readily available from both animal and vegetable food sources, so no supplementation is recommended for this vitamin.
Vitamin C
Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, is found in citrus fruits, strawberries, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, potatoes, kale and cauliflower. The RDI is only 60mg, though many sources recommend a much higher dosage to ward off illness. Vitamin C promotes healthy gums and teeth, aids in iron absorption, maintains connective tissues and promotes the healing of wounds. It may also reduce the risk of certain cancers and coronary artery disease, as well as prevent or delay cataracts. Supplementation of 250-500mg is recommended for individuals not consuming several C-rich fruits and vegetables a day, as well as for smokers.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D appears in milk, fish oil, and fortified margarine. It’s also produced in the body in response to sunlight. The RDI is 5mcg (10mcg before age 25). Vitamin D promotes strong teeth and bones by facilitating calcium absorption. It may reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Since Vitamin D is toxic in high doses, supplementation is only recommended for strict vegetarians and non-milk drinkers. Just 5 to 10 mcg is recommended in those cases.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is found in vegetable oil, most nuts, wheat germ, leafy greens, seeds, almonds, olives and asparagus. The RDI is 8mg for women and 10mg for men. This vitamin aids in the formation of red blood cells and promotes the utilization of vitamin K. It may also reduce the risk of certain cancers and coronary artery disease, as well as prevent or delay cataracts and improve the immune system in the elderly. And those are certainly benefits that could help create your magic sex vitamin. Supplementation of 5-20mcg is recommended.
Vitamin K
Intestinal bacteria produce this vitamin, though some is also produced by milk, soy and a few vegetables. The RDI is 60-65mcg for women and 70-80mcg for men. Vitamin K is needed for normal blood clotting. In addition, it may help maintain strong bones in the elderly. No supplementation is recommended.
Vitamin B1
Here's a helpful vitamin fact: Thiamin, or B1, is present in whole grains, enriched grains, grain products, beans, meats, liver, most nuts and many fish. RDI is 1mg for women and 1.5mg for men. B1 facilitates cellular conversion of carbohydrates into energy. It’s also required for healthy brain, nerve cell and heart function. B vitamins are thought by some to contribute to your magic sex vitamin because of their overall health benefits. No supplementation is recommended.
Vitamin B2
Riboflavin, or B2, is found in dairy, meat, chicken, fish, enriched grain products, leafy greens, beans, nuts and eggs. RDI is 1.2-1.3mg for women and 1.4-1.7mg for men. B2 facilitates cellular conversion of carbohydrates into energy, the production and growth of red blood cells as well as healthy skin and eyes.
Vitamin B3
Niacin, or B3, is found in nuts, meat, fish, chicken, enriched grains and peanut butter. RDI is 13-19mg. B3 facilitates the release of energy from foods. It helps maintain healthy nerves and skin, promotes a healthy nervous system and allegedly enhances sexual sensation (and that's a nice vitamin fact to know!).
Vitamin B6
Pyroxine, or B6, occurs in whole grains, bananas, meat, beans, nuts, chicken and fish. RDI is 1.6mg for women and 2mg for men. This vitamin is essential in the chemical reactions of proteins and amino acids. Another vitamin fact to know is it promotes healthy brain function and the formation of red blood cells. B6 may improve the immune system in the elderly. No supplementation is needed. Very large doses may cause numbness or neurological problems.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 appears in meat, dairy products, shellfish and fortified cereals. The RDI is 2mcg. B12 is necessary for developing red blood cells and it maintains normal nervous system function. Strict vegetarians may need supplementation.
Folic Acid
It's a vitamin fact: folic acid occurs in leafy greens, liver, beans, broccoli, asparagus and citrus fruits. The RDI is 180mcg for women and 200mcg for men. It is essential in the synthesis of DNA, normal cell growth and protein metabolism. Maintaining proper intake when pregnant is definitely a magic sex bullet because you'll reduce the chance of birth defects. Folic acid may also reduce the chance of developing cervical cancer. Supplementation of 400mcg is recommended for women who are, or may become, pregnant.
This B vitamin is found in eggs, milk, liver, yeast, mushrooms, bananas, tomatoes and whole grains. Experts recommend 30-100mcg per day. This vitamin is important for the metabolism of protein, carbohydrates and fats. No supplementation is recommended.
Vitamin B5
Pantothenic acid, or B5, is found in whole grains, beans, milk, eggs and liver. Experts recommend 4-7mg per day. This vitamin is essential for the metabolism of food and the production of important chemicals in the body. No supplementation is recommended.
Knowing your vitamin facts can contribute to a healthy lifestyle that lets you create your own
sex vitamin
and stay healthy, too!