If You’re Overweight Sex Toys Can Be A Pathway To Pleasure For You
Large or small, many people are unhappy with their sex lives. If you’re overweight sex can be challenging as you cope with issues of mobility and flexibility. The bad news is, a study at Duke University's Diet and Fitness Center in Durham, North Carolina, found that 30% of obese people report issues with their sex lives, such as performance, desire level and level of sex drive.
But think about the flip side of that–70% did not report issues. Regardless of whether you’re in the 30% group or the 70% group, you may be looking for ways to improve your lovemaking.
If you’re
overweight sex
toys can be an option that helps put you on the pathway to more pleasure. A few simple steps might help you develop more interest and awareness of how sexuality can become a more rewarding part of your life.
We all know that sex is more than physical–much of a person’s interest, attitudes and responsiveness start in the brain, not the genitals.
To spark your interest, particularly for women, Susan Kellogg, PhD, director of sexual medicine at the Pelvic and Sexual Health Institute of Graduate Hospital in Philadelphia recommends, “. . . a little light erotic reading for 20 minutes three times a week. The goal here: To focus attention back on sex and improve both drive and desire” (as quoted on the website www.medicinenet.com).
This can be more effective if, as an add-on, you start doing light physical activity, such as robust walks or yoga, designed to increase blood flow to the pelvic area. To further explore if visual stimulation can work as a foreplay tool for you, you can–as an individual or a couple–explore erotic DVDs or sex books.
If you’re
overweight sex
toys might also be an option for you. Particular toys will perhaps help you find a way to achieve more stimulation around areas that aren’t so accessible. Plus they require less physical exertion than the act of lovemaking itself. For example, if the physics between you and your lover preclude direct clitoral contact, try using a butterfly style vibrator during intercourse. Or if you need to take a break during lovemaking to catch your breath, you can continue stimulating with a vibrator or dildo.
A willing partnership and the desire to work around your lovemaking issues are two of the key factors to enjoying overweight sex encounters. Enjoy your explorations!
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For Obese Women Sex Offers Good And Bad News
Addressing Sex And Weight Gain Issues
If You're Obese Sex Can Be A Fulfilling Part Of Your Life
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